Saturday, 14 April 2012

From This Moment On

hari niy Yoon serabut.
maybe,its because of yesterday's conversation.
haah, yela kot.
ZZ jahat. but its fun actually when you can talk to someone about something you can't talk to just anybody. 

that awkward moment when I realized that I can't stop thinking about him.
so I tuned a bit of my all times favourite song. oldies.
wishing it will ease my mind a little bit.

then baru aku sedar Yoon niy emotional jugak enh?
maybe from this moment on,I'll try to not stop thinking about that person.senang, pikir jelah. bukan kena bayar pon kan.kecoh je. *hati pon senang berangan. la la la ♫ 

# tidur malam niy pon akan senyum sorang sorang bawah comforter sebab suara Shania Twain sedap sangat. yeah, I need my painkiller. seriously.

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