Sunday, 15 April 2012

Lend Me Your Hand

entry kali niy macam typical sikit.
well almost everybody is talking about it anyway.

"I don't know what to choose"
"Help me, give me your thoughts"
"Which university?" "Which course?"

Uh uh, Yoon yang nak masuk universiti, so Yoon takkan tanya, (bukan nak bagi an hour consultation pon kan)
I'll just have a favor to ask.
I just wanna you to pray the best for me.

 "tadah tangan, doakan Yoon,iaitu cik Hazirah Roslan" (itu nama sebenar saya, Yoon is my husband btw,tehee! I used it in order to gain popularity only. woot woot~ just kidding.)

p/s: siapa siapa yang baca mohon kerjasama doakan Yoon kay ^^ *muka comel* ..and for my friends, I'll pray the best for you guys too, fighting!

cause its very confusing anyway.

 everybody wants the best. sape tak nak derr. kan kan?

Alhamdulillah, dapat la jugak beberapa offer. so the rest is my usaha, decision, and tawakal.
..and Qada' dan Qadar Allah.

# I can't get over him. boleh pulak Yoon pergi stalk dye balik?? gila ke apa? stop it Yoon!!

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