Monday, 16 April 2012

Sleeping Beauty

seriously. Yoon tak tidur tidur lagi. and the clock is showing me a shocking news! it is almost 5 am in the morning, and Yoon?? Yoon still twittering-facebooking-blogging-tumblring (okay, suka hati mak bapak Yoon nye vocab). haha, and thanks to you Asmira Halim for becoming a burung hantu sekali . haha. Its quite surprising how you managed to stay up so late like this. (Yoon ckp org, tak sedar diri kan?). okaylah, mata dah penat. Yoon should go to sleep peeps. don't miss me, but I'll miss him :) *mood mengada ngada tiba tiba muncul.

# mood aku berubah ubah hari niy. PMS?? tak tak. this is called the raging of hormones.sama ke? whatever.

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