#np What Makes You Beautiful
just chilling out. skyping-facebooking-twittering-YMing bla bla bla and blogging. haish. rasa lama pula tak update blog. kenapa? sebab sibuk. ceh, kau bajet menteri kenapa. haha,tak nak lah jadi menteri. byk problem. apa tagline Yoon, "stressssssss!". and maybe, Yoon akan selalu stalk blog sendiri nanti. hahaha, bukan stalk, update der. sebab I think, starts from now on, lots of things are going to happen to me and I'm not going to miss it. and tadi bila skype ngn Cik Marliana Marzuki, we talk about futures, we talk about ourselves. wah rindu dye. nana tanya, "tak mintak maktab?". hmm. no I don't. nak jadi cikgu tak masuk dengan Yoon la. but don't get me wrong, being a teacher is one of the most noble job. it is blessed and need a lot of passion. just, Yoon tak minat kan. sama la macam engineering. whoa, ntah nape Yoon rasa engin sangatlah tak masuk ngn aku.engin masuk kat kereta je. hihi. or maybe, Yoon rasa TAKUT? I don't know. its kinda complicated. thats why Yoon tolak uniKL. cause it offers me engineering. and that is also why, I am in a dilemma right now. semalam or semalam semalam Yoon dpt offer GMI, Selangor. they told me it is under the SPC programme. so benda alah ni ditaja. Yoon kinda excited, tapi bila tgk dye offer engin. oh my. gelap jap dunia. dye offer law takpe la jugak kan? mesti ramai juga yg kat luar sana tengah confuse mcm Yoon. so, guys! kuatkan hati, doa and tawakal :D InsyaAllah apa yang akan terjadi ialah apa yang terbaik untuk kita. Amin.
semalam pergi jalan jalan kat jusco ngn mak abah. and they bought me marvelous breads, not to forget. they also bought me a lovely red bagpack. terima kasih. comel bag tu. nanti ada duit, adik belanja mak abah pulak okay ? XOXO
# bila tadi dengar What Makes You Beautiful airing kat hotfm, terus teringat dye.
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